Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Introducing Tabetha

Whether you are eighteen or eighty-eight, college can be a scary place if you are not familiar with its procedures and policies.  A lot of people are embarrassed to ask for help or guidance, which in turn makes them feel that much more lost.  My first, and most important tip, is:

1.      NO QUESTION IS A STUPID QUESTION:  We all have felt stupid asking a question that others may already know the answer to, but think about it, how do you think they learned?  Someone had to tell them, someone had to show them, some where they read the information, or some where they heard the information.  We all have to first “learn” something before we “know” something.  If you do not ask, you may never know the answer.  That would be an injustice to your-self.  There are different people that will help you with your questions.  To name a few:

·         PAL’s
·         Advisors
·         Professors
·         Staff

2.      TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE COLLEGE RESOURCES:          That is what they are there for, for YOU.  The college provides many different resources to help you be successful in college. 

·         Of course the first one I am going to briefly discuss is the PAL’s program since I am very proud to be a part of it.  PAL’s offers online help to common questions students may have, such as:  How do I register for classes?  How do I obtain a username and password so that I may log into myJSRCC?  Who do I talk to about which classes I should take?  How do I understand the course schedule? How do I apply for admission?  How do I apply for financial aid?  And so much more.  The best part is that PAL’s is not only available by going to the school and meeting with a PAL.  Now you can text, chat, and/or video with a PAL using internet software called Skype.  What is even better than that is that you can do so after normal school and work hours.  Currently, PAL’s are available to assist you on Skype Monday-Thursday from 5:00pm until 10:00pm. 

·         Having difficulty understanding your course?  Well, good news.  Tutoring is available through the school and the best part is that it is FREE.  Again, don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

·         Taking classes at different campuses?  Why waste gas?  Take advantage of the free shuttle service between the three campuses.   

These are just of few of the MANY resources that J. Sargeant Reynolds has to offer. 

My last tip for today:

There is a lot of valuable resources and information on the website.  You can find out about admissions, registering for classes, contact information for different departments, closings, class schedules, course offerings, degree programs, certificate programs, etc.  The information you can learn from the website is limitless.

This concludes my first blog so until next time take care J


Monday, April 25, 2011

Introducing Medora

Hello! My name is Medora and I’m excited to be serving our college this year as your “pal!” I have been taking classes here at JSR for 2 years now, and I also attend Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing as a rising senior nursing student. We take all of our general education courses off-campus, so I have lots of experience with registration! It can be a challenging time – which classes, what are the times, what are the pre-req’s, and where in the world do I park! I’ve been right there with you. Please know that there are folks that are ready and willing to help you, and there IS a way to make your schedule work. Sometimes it takes some advanced planning, but you can do  it!
            As bloggers and PALs, we’ve been asked to think of a great study tip to include here for your viewing pleasure. My study tip is more of a life tip – plan. I know it sounds funny, but that’s really it – plan. When I get through the registration period each semester (and I have to do it twice! JSR and Bon Secours), and I know which courses I’ll be taking, I go ahead and start my binder for each course. I do dividers and I always print everything that the instructors load on Blackboard – the syllabus and calendar, especially. Starting off on the right foot will help all semester long, and if you have a weekend when you’re anti-schoolwork, you can just come right back to your notebook on Monday and pick it back up. Consistency and persistence wins the race! It’s a marathon, not a sprint! Something along those lines…
            Please let us know if our team of PALs can be of assistance to you! We have gone through training here at JSRCC and are ready (and excited) to help you with your registration and enrollment questions. If we don’t know the answer, we have the resources to help you FIND the answer. Enjoy your time here at JSRCC, and congratulations on taking the steps to further your education and invest in your future!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Introducing Kristin And Her Thoughts On Success

Hello J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College students! My name is Kristin and I am twenty-one years old. I am from Prince George’s County Maryland, but currently reside in Tappahannock, Virginia. This is my first year and second semester at J Sargeant and my major is Psychology. I have a beautiful nine month old daughter named Morgan and I love long walks on the beach and moon lit picnics! Being a parent, full time student, and part time employee, I sometimes find it hard to juggle all of my event, but through it all I stay calm. But don’t stress, I am here to give you some words of wisdom…
#1. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! (It never hurts to stay organized and ahead of schedule)
#2. Don’t stretch yourself too thin (Take only a load where you feel comfortable. If you find yourself questioning whether or not you have time for it, think twice before committing yourself to it)
#3. ALWAYS stay POSTIVE! (The less you stress, the more you will get accomplished. If you find yourself in a tough situation, take a breather and do something relaxing, and then return with a better mind set)
Being a college student can sometimes be stressful, but never let it stop you from achieving a common goal we all have, and that’s succeeding!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Introducing PALs - Peer Academic Leaders

Peer Academic Leaders are student leaders available to assist you!  PALs can answer questions about applying to the college, how to register, general information about holds, and how to navigate through the Student Information System (SIS), your JSRCC email account and Blackboard.  PALs are not academic advisers, and so are not able to answer specific questions about the kinds of courses you should be taking.  For more information about academic advising, please see the advising website or contact your academic adviser.  While you can chat with a PAL using Skype Monday-Thursday, you can read this blog to meet them and also learn about their tips for success as a student at JSRCC!  Check back often, pose your questions, and search for answers to frequently asked questions.