Monday, April 25, 2011

Introducing Medora

Hello! My name is Medora and I’m excited to be serving our college this year as your “pal!” I have been taking classes here at JSR for 2 years now, and I also attend Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing as a rising senior nursing student. We take all of our general education courses off-campus, so I have lots of experience with registration! It can be a challenging time – which classes, what are the times, what are the pre-req’s, and where in the world do I park! I’ve been right there with you. Please know that there are folks that are ready and willing to help you, and there IS a way to make your schedule work. Sometimes it takes some advanced planning, but you can do  it!
            As bloggers and PALs, we’ve been asked to think of a great study tip to include here for your viewing pleasure. My study tip is more of a life tip – plan. I know it sounds funny, but that’s really it – plan. When I get through the registration period each semester (and I have to do it twice! JSR and Bon Secours), and I know which courses I’ll be taking, I go ahead and start my binder for each course. I do dividers and I always print everything that the instructors load on Blackboard – the syllabus and calendar, especially. Starting off on the right foot will help all semester long, and if you have a weekend when you’re anti-schoolwork, you can just come right back to your notebook on Monday and pick it back up. Consistency and persistence wins the race! It’s a marathon, not a sprint! Something along those lines…
            Please let us know if our team of PALs can be of assistance to you! We have gone through training here at JSRCC and are ready (and excited) to help you with your registration and enrollment questions. If we don’t know the answer, we have the resources to help you FIND the answer. Enjoy your time here at JSRCC, and congratulations on taking the steps to further your education and invest in your future!

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